
Getting started

This example demonstrates the telemetry feature of pup, which ...

  • Automatically report process metrics, such as memory usage, back to Pup.
  • Opens a channel for managed processes to communicate using a slow polling IPC mechanism.

The simplest use case, where you only want to monitor your client metrics is used like this:

import { PupTelemetry } from "jsr:@pup/telemetry"

new PupTelemetry()

// The rest of your application

This will make your process report memory usage and current working directory back to the Pup main process, no further configuration needed. Now you can see memory usage for all processes running telemetry (including main process) using status on the cli.

To use the IPC mechanism:

// PupTelemetry is a singleton, so it can be imported one or many times in your application
// - Installation instructions for different runtimes available at
// This example imports directly from using Deno jsr:-specifier
import { PupTelemetry } from "jsr:@pup/telemetry"
const telemetry = new PupTelemetry()

// One part of your application ...

// Listen for ipc events
telemetry.on("my-event", (data) => {
    `Another process triggered 'my-event' with data ${JSON.stringify(data)}`,

// Send ipc events
telemetry.emit("another-process-id", "my-event", { data: { to: "send" } })

// ... another part of your application


  • pup.json - Pup configuration, sets up task-with-telemetry.ts to run forever. server.ts to be kept alive forever.
  • task-with-telemetry-1.ts - "task-1", script sending telemetry data to main process, and sending messages over IPC to task-2
  • task-with-telemetry-2.ts - "task-2", script sending telemetry data to main process, and receiving messages over IPC from task-1


cd to docs/examples/telemetry directory.

Start example by running pup run if pup is installed, or something like deno run -A ../../../pup.ts run if not.

Now open another terminal and issue pup status, a brief overview of current status is shown, including memory usage.
